
Online Shared Calendar & more

Collaborative Online Shared Calendar with recurrent appointments Team Scheduling, CRM, Intelligence Report and Invoicing : Discover all the features of Multi-Planning.

Multi-User Online Shared Calendar

With our collaborative planning, you can view and share calendars with 1 or over 100 members, on a single screen. Get a clear overview on common availabilities. Create Events, Schedule your work, Missions, Reservations and Interventions easily.


Store all your contacts securely in the Cloud. Keep them in sync and share them easily within your teams - or keep them private on a per account basis? With Multi-Planning Contact Management, you are in control of your contact base.


With an integrated Customer Relationship Management tool, you can track time spent by each team member on a customer, lead or prospect, see all events for any given contact, and follow through your sales funnels and business opportunities.

New Dashboard

Get insight on how your teams spend their time with our new integrated dashboard. Create and follow your own set of KPIs, customizable for your activities.


With our invoice editor, you can create proper business quotes, invoices directly from the time marked in your Planning thanks to the integrated Invoice editor with VAT support. Forget manual Invoice editing and save precious time.

Note : Invoice Editor supports VAT & Sales tax

New Scheduling & Online Booking

Let your customers schedule appointments & book services directly in your planning.

Want to compare our different features?


Get each individual calendar shared with your phone calendar, or access our mobile-optimized version straight from your device.

Digital Signature

Go paperless and have your customers & clients sign documents, straight from their mobile device.

Enhanced Security

HTTPS encryption (256-bits), state-of-the-art servers, and pro-active maintenance is included - for maximum availability and peace of mind about your Data.

Online Shared Calendar with included Storage

Store pictures, PDF files, and meeting notes for each of your client on multi-planning's cloud library.

Mobile View of Online Shared Calendar with multiple users

Try all our Online Shared Calendar features for a spin

Get your personal planning free forever or try our complete edition.

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avec notre agenda partagé - support inclus !

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